This assignment brings together your ability to think critically, analyze social problems, and write in a scholarly fashion. You are required to select a social issue that you will research. You will argue that this issue is a major social problem that must be addressed for the betterment of society. Your research paper will include (1) a brief introduction to the problem, (2) an analysis of the problem in which you explain the problem in detail (what the problem is, why it should be considered a social problem, what causes the problem, what the negative consequences of the problem are, and why we should care about solving the problem), (3) a review of the literature (what researchers have found in relation to the problem-statistics, theoretical understandings, influence of important variables/social factors, findings/conclusions that support your argument/claim that this is a serious social problem), (4) an examination of the social problem within your local context (known cases as reported in the local media, local politicians positions on the issue and related decision-making, previous or current efforts at resolving the problem locally, etc.), and (5) a conclusion in which you make recommendations for solving the problem
Research paper

Research paper
Order Description
In this evidence based research paper we are comparing 2 treatments,
medications, or any surgical procedure etc. and then compare and
contrast those 2 treatments and then analyze the outcome that which
one is better. Just follow the PICO format in the attached file.
Definitely have to put randomized control trial in research. Need to
compare information from at least 3-4 articles and put the sources in
APA or any form you want. You can compare and treat anything like
wound eschar treatment with santyl or med honey etc. or use of insulin
pump vs insulin shots. Or any medication comparison for diabetes,
heart attack or anything. it’s more like a summary of 4-5 articles on
the same drug, treatment, or surgical procedure depending on what you
Research paper

Research paper
Order Description
In this evidence based research paper we are comparing 2 treatments,
medications, or any surgical procedure etc. and then compare and
contrast those 2 treatments and then analyze the outcome that which
one is better. Just follow the PICO format in the attached file.
Definitely have to put randomized control trial in research. Need to
compare information from at least 3-4 articles and put the sources in
APA or any form you want. You can compare and treat anything like
wound eschar treatment with santyl or med honey etc. or use of insulin
pump vs insulin shots. Or any medication comparison for diabetes,
heart attack or anything. it’s more like a summary of 4-5 articles on
the same drug, treatment, or surgical procedure depending on what you